SENDIAS Steering group


The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice Service (SENDIAS) Steering Group ensures we meet the national minimum standards for a SENDIAS service and monitors that we operate in an impartial and confidential way.

The Steering Group agrees the objectives for the service and is made up of a number of parents who have used the service and are well placed to providing parental perspective on the effectiveness in services delivered as well as services and professionals involved with children and young people with special additional needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The meetings are chaired by Surrey's Parent Carer Forum, Family Voice. The SENDIAS Team Manager and an Advisor also sit on the Steering Group.

A copy of the latest minutes can be sent on request by emailing

Terms of Reference


The Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities Information, Advice and Support (SENDIAS) Steering Group will ensure Surrey's SENDIAS Service, SEND Advice Surrey, operates effectively and is continually shaping the impartial information, advice and support it provides based on local needs.

The vision and development of the service would be considered against the statutory remit for any SENDIAS service and information within the national minimum standards (

Within these there are two clear functions related to the Steering Group:

1.7 The Governance arrangements outline a clear management structure, encompassing a strategic manager within the IASS and a steering group or advisory body which includes representatives from service user groups and key stakeholders from education, social care and health.

(Please note that 'service users groups' are parents, carers and young people).

1.8 The IASS has a development plan reviewed annually with the steering group/advisory body, which includes specific actions and improvement targets.


To aim of this group is to provide governance for the SENDIAS service in surrey: SEND Advice Surrey, by:

  1. providing support, encouragement and holding the service to account to ensure minimum standards for a SENDIAS service are met
  2. contributing to the planning of the annual development plan for the service
  3. regularly reviewing and monitoring the annual development plan, ensuring all agreed outcomes and/or tasks are on track to be achieved and meeting minimum standards.
  4. helping to shape the service on a strategic level, reflecting local needs.


Members will represent a range of service users, individuals and agencies with an interest in the SENDIAS service. All members will be responsible for ensuring they share information and decisions with the group or service they represent. Meetings will be chaired by Surrey Parent Forum, Family Voice. Members could include

  • Parent or carer of a child with SEND
  • Young person with SEND
  • LA Officer from SEN Teams
  • LA Officer from L-SPA
  • A member of Surrey's Parent Forum
  • FIS / Local Offer Officer
  • Early Years Officer
  • Tribunal Officers
  • Health
  • Social Care

All members are equal partners and their knowledge, skills and views are recognised and valued by all.

Members will not act in the specific interest of their own agency, service, group or family member. They will identify a conflict in interest to the group should it arise as soon as it is known.

We will strive for 50% of representatives to be present at each meeting. If the nominated person from a service is unable to attend a meeting, a relevant representative of the service can attend.

Frequency of meetings

It is proposed that the Steering Group should meet three times a year with the opportunity for ad hoc meetings when appropriate or necessary. In between meetings any work that arises (for example updating policies and procedures) will be actioned virtually. The Steering Group Chair or SENDIAS Team Manager will email the information and what is needed and it will be the members' responsibility to respond in a timely manner.

Member Code of Conduct and Eligibility

The Member Code of Conduct and Eligibility (PDF) gives clear guidance on the standards of behaviour expected conduct, eligibility and commitment of being a member of the Group.

The SENDIAS service Steering Group will:

  • promote and support the development of SEND Advice Surrey
  • ensure that SEND Advice Surrey operates at 'arms-length' from Surrey County Council Local Authority
  • identify and promote good practice, raise issues and concerns, identify gaps in the service
  • pass on the above information to relevant agencies
  • have a formal mechanism for presenting this information to Surrey County Council
  • have a formal mechanism for the Local Authority and relevant agencies to respond to the above
  • have a formal mechanism for the Local Authority to keep the group informed of developments in the Local Area and
  • promote a culture of challenge and support, supporting both the SENDIAS service and Surrey's Local Authority in service delivery and the arrangements for maintaining impartiality.