Hot topics for SEND Advice Surrey

New team members

SEND Advice Surrey would like to welcome Emma, Gabrielle, Kathryn, Lisa, Rob and Sarah to the team. They join Andrew, Beckie, Jill and Judy who have been hard at work mentoring and supporting.

Phone line

Our phone line is being switched over to a new provider very soon. We have been assured that there will be no loss of service but if you find you are not able to get through to our voicemail then please contact us online or email

Applying for an Education, Health and Care needs assessment

We are getting a high number of calls regarding requesting an EHC needs assessment. All the information you need can be found on the Local Offer. Please do have a conversation with your child/young person's school in the first instance, as they will need to provide the evidence that you require.

Other services that may be able to help

If you have any worries about a child/young person's wellbeing then please contact:

  • C-SPA (Children's Single Point of Access) by telephone 0300 470 9100 or email
  • Or dial 999 if they are at risk of immediate harm.