What we hear

Part of the Information Advice and Support service minimum standards that we follow is:

4.2 The service routinely requests feedback from service users and others, and uses this to further develop the work and practices of the service.

We do this by:

  • Monthly Questionnaires are sent out to the families that contacted us in the previous month. All results are summarised and recorded here.

We also record the:

  • Top reasons for contact – these are the main reasons that families contacted us.
  • Positive comments – it is always lovely to hear a positive message. We record these on a monthly basis. (These do not include the lovely comments we also get on monthly questionnaires).

What we heard in November

Monthly questionnaires

We send out questionnaires on a monthly basis to everyone that has contacted us in that month. If you did not receive the questionnaire please email us at sendadvice@surreycc.gov.uk and we will arrange for one to be sent to you.

We use the results to help us improve our service to you.

For a copy of the latest results please email us sendadvice@surreycc.gov.uk

Top reasons for contact

  • Appeals
  • Placement - calls from parents whose children are starting secondary school in September 2024
  • EHC Needs Assessment
  • Support at school, College or Early Years
  • Refusal to Assess
  • EHCP (finals)
  • No response from Case Officer
  • Complaints procedure - mainly relating to delays in EHCNA process, provision in F not being delivered or no school placement.
  • Children out of school
  • Draft EHCP advice

Positive comments

Some of the positive comments received by the team:

  • "Thank you so much for your kind advice, it is extremely helpful. Thank you so much for your help, I don't know what we would do without your kind service".
  • "Thank you so much for this information and your time on the call this morning - both very helpful indeed (can you be our case officer!?)".
  • "Thank you for your time last week. It was so useful. I passed it all on to mum and as a result she's been able to take her son to the named school for a visit. So already progress has been made. Thank you again for your time!".